Conference Director
+57 1 390 4687
The 2nd Latin America Roads Bridges and Tunnels Summit will be hosted on the 7th & the 8th of November 2019 in Quito, Ecuador. In 2018, this country registered the highest Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in 11 years, the figure reached US $1.4 billion. The current situation of the country facilitates the scenario for more investment in various sectors of the economy, including infrastructure, regulated through the “Organic Law of Productive Development” and the “Organic Law of Incentives for Public-Private Partnerships and Foreign Investments”.
By the year 2019 Ecuador has projects worth US $ 4 billion to be tendered in terms of road infrastructure, this includes the maintenance and expansion of existing roads and construction of new roads. With regard to government originated investment for this year in road infrastructure, the Ministry of Transport and Public Works plans to spend more than US $ 300 million.
In large part of the Latin American region, important investments are made in the construction, maintenance and remodeling of roads, bridges and tunnels. In this year the government of Mexico will invest US $ 3 billion in road infrastructure works and Colombia for instance will open the widest bridge in Latin America, Puente Pumarejo. Taking into account these market developments the 2nd Latin America Roads Bridges & Tunnels will bring together government agencies, concessionaires, national and international associations, investors, architects, engineers, construction companies, consultants, legal authorities and solution providers, in order to better explore the sector and support the development of new projects and trends.
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[ 06/05/2019 ][ Infraestructura vial: $1.400 millones en inversiones ][READ MORE]
[ 02/05/2019 ][ Inician la construcción del cuarto puente sobre el canal ][READ MORE]
[ 23/04/2019 ][ Gobierno entrega $ 30 millones para el túnel más largo del país ][READ MORE]
[ 31/03/2019 ][ El 16% de la red vial estatal tiene garantizado el mantenimiento en ecuador ][READ MORE]
[ 07/03/2019 ][ Ecuador prevé $ 3.000 millones en inversión extranjera directa ][READ MORE]
[ 03/03/2019 ][ Gobierno invertirá $346.000 millones en obras viales en Boyacá durante 2019 y 2020 ][READ MORE]
[ 27/02/2019 ][ Colombia construirá carretera ciénaga – barranquilla sin viaductos ][READ MORE]
[ 27/02/2019 ][ México adjudicará obras para conservación de carreteras ][READ MORE]
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[ 26/02/2019 ][ Argentina inició obras para extender la autopista hasta azul ][READ MORE]
[ 20/02/2019 ][ Las concesiones viales son la prioridad de obras públicas para este 2019 ][READ MORE]
[ 31/01/2019 ][ Ecuador invertirá us$316.47 millones en proyectos viales en 2019 ][READ MORE]
[ 30/01/2019 ][ México invertirá US$1.000 millones en mantenimiento de vías libre de peaje ][READ MORE]
[ 30/01/2019 ][ El MTOP invertirá USD 316,47 millones en proyectos viales en 2019 ][READ MORE]
[ 22/01/2019 ][ El MTOP impulsa las alianzas público – privadas como un modelo de gestión sostenible ][READ MORE]
[ 25/12/2018 ][ Gobierno de México invertirá US$3.920M en obras de infraestructura vial en 2019 ][READ MORE]
[ 16/11/2018 ][ La inversión pública cae en USD 1 425 millones para el 2019 ][READ MORE]
[ 28/09/2018 ][ ¿Qué países de américa latina tienen las mejores vías? ][READ MORE]